Business Health Pty Ltd

Business Health Pty Ltd
Practice Management Consultant
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  • Details
  • What we do

Who we are

Since our establishment in 2000 we have evolved into one of Australia’s leading practice management groups. 100+ years of experience in working with advisory practices both here and internationally.
Our tools and services have been designed with one objective and that is to improve the profitability and ongoing viability of the practice – to provide practical, proven support to the owners of advice businesses, to enable them to get a feel for the “health” of their practice, how it compares to the broader market and what they might do to further lift their profitability.

Business Health is independently owned and operated by its four partners.


Our diagnostics are proprietary, unique, objective and backed by our extensive bank of practice data.

  • HealthCheck – assesses the ‘health’ of the practice across 20 different areas, with comprehensive commentary and benchmarking.

    • CATScan - seeks feedback from clients in a confidential, anonymous manner. All comments are reported, while the business itself is rated across 9 key areas. Important demographics are also collected.

    • Confidential Staff Survey - seek feedback from the practice’s staff in a confidential, non threatening manner.

    • BenchMarker – benchmarks the practice across 25 key financial metrics in less than 5 minutes.

    • Estate Planner - assesses the preparedness of the clients’ estate planning.

    • Business Evaluator – evaluates as well as providing a market valuation, of the practice through a most comprehensive process, predicated on our unique diagnostics.

    • Consultancy - leverages the wide experience of the partners through our flexible consultancy approach, one on one coaching or group formats. All work is supported by our proprietary library of guides, checklists and raters.

    • Real Time Compliance (RTC) – automates the practice’s compliance regime.

Contact us



0414 443 236